Tombo 9082 - Oxygen Seal Tape

Oxygen Seal Tape Tombo 9082 - Băng Tan Ống Ren

- Composition : Min. 99.5% PTFE

- Tape Colour / Cover : Green

- Thickness : 0.09mm (+/-10%)

- Density : 1.4g/cm³ (+/- 0.1g/cm³

- Temp. /  Pressure : 60°C / 25bar

TOMBO 9082 Oxygen | Premium Oxygen Seal Tape Tombo 9082

- The TOMBO Premium Oxygen Tape is our specially formulated PTFE Thread Seal Tape for application in piping, valves and fittings, and other components for oxygen usage. The maximum density of our tapes ensure optimum usage safety in Gaseous Oxygen (GOX) and Liquid Oxygen (LOX) systems.

- The TOMBO Premium Oxygen Tape is tested by the world renown German Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing (BAM) for GOX usage up to a Maximum oxygen pressure of 25 bar and a Maximum Temperature up to 60˚C.*

- Our TOMBO Premium Oxygen Tape is also suitable for usage in components for LOX services.

Technical Yellow Gas Line Tape Tombo 9082

- Composition : Min. 99.5% PTFE

- Tape Colour / Cover : GREEN

- Thickness : 0.09mm (+/-10%)

- Density : 1.4g/cm3 (+/- 0.1g/cm3

- GOX Max Temp. Range: 60˚C

- GOX Max Pressure : 25 Bar

- Size 1:  0.09mm x 1/2" x 260"(6,8m): Đóng gói: 500 Cuộn/Thùng (10 Hộp/Thùng)


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Tombo 9082 - Oxygen Seal Tape
