100% GFO Gland Packing
This packing made using of GFO the blend of pure graphite filament in the expanded PTFE (GFO Packing is braided with Teflon wire containing graphite particles) reduces thermal expansion of the fiber and give better heat resistance to the packing. It can be utilized through an extremely wide range of application including acids, petroleum and synthetic oils, the packing won’t turn to be hot hard or broken. It’s suitable for application of various pumps and valves.
It was made from graphite-PTFE compound with lubricant very good thermal conductivity. High flexibility and volumetric stability, no embrittlement or ageing. Long life with good operating efficiency. Gentle treatment of shafts.
Technical 100% GFO Gland Packing
Materials: pure graphite filament in the expanded PTFE (GFO)
Construction: Inter braided
Temperature: -180 to +280℃
Pressure range:
Rotatory: 3MPa
Reciprocating: 15MPa
Valve: 25MPa
PH range: 0~14
Linear speed: 22m/s
Size: 3x3mm to 50 x 50mm
Key Features
30 years of proven performance
Name printed on the packing
Widest range of applications
Long lasting
Does not harden
Minimum shaft damage
Manufacturer’s reputation for highest quality fluid sealing products
Key Benefits
Confidence that the product will work every time
Easy to install & to remove
Reducesinventory levels by consolidating packing needs
Saves money & labor
Minimum downtime from re-packing pumps or resurfacing shafts
Applicaton areas
100% GFO gland packing can be used in pumps, agitators mixers and kneader centrifugal pumps, agitators,involving high peripheral speeds and temperatures, where pure PTFE packing fail.
Application media
100% GFO gland packing is suitable for liquid and gaseous, acids, lye, solvents, adhesives, abrasive and crystalline media like sewage, slurries, salt, etc.
Not suitable for
Highly oxidizing media like oleum, fumin nitric acid, aqua region, gaseous fluorine , lacquer and paints.